Donaghadee - Reduction in range of red sector

Donaghadee - Reduction in range of red sector

Notices to Mariners

Donaghadee reduction in range of red sector

07 - 2018

Issue Date: Friday 21 September 2018

Aid: Donaghadee


The Commissioners of Irish Lights hereby give notice that on or about 05 October 2018, or as soon thereafter as circumstances permit, the present light-source will be replaced with a new LED (Light Emitting Diode) light-source. At the same time the red sector range will be reduced in range from 13 to 12 nautical miles. All other details remain unchanged.
The character, phasing, range, and lighting times of the existing and new light are as follows:

Donaghadee South Pier Light
Existing Light New Light
Position (WGS 84) 54˚38.707’N 5˚31.860’ W 54˚38.707’N 5˚31.860’ W
Sector White 118˚- 326˚ Red 326˚ - 357˚ White 118˚- 326˚ Red 326˚ - 357˚
Character ISO. WR 4s (2.0 + 2.0 =4s) ISO. WR 4s (2.0 + 2.0 =4s)
Elevation 17m 17m
Range 17 White 13 Red nM 17 White 12 Red nM
Displayed Hours of darkness only Hours of darkness only

Radio Navigation Warnings will be issued when the above changes take place.

By Order, Yvonne Shields, Chief Executive