2008-03-Danger Zone Buoys

2008-03-Danger Zone Buoys

Notices to Mariners

Replacement of 3 unlighted buoys with 2 lighted buoys Ballykinler Firing Practice Area

03 - 2008

Issue Date: Friday 29 February 2008


Area: North East Coast of Ireland - Dundrum Bay

The Commissioners of Irish Lights hereby give notice that on or about 06 May 2008 (or as soon as possible thereafter) the three unlighted buoys presently marking the extent of the Ballykinler Firing Practice Area will be withdrawn.

At the same time two lighted special mark buoys will be established to mark the south-east and south-west corners of an extended Firing Practice Area.
The Geographical Positions of the buoys to be withdrawn are as follows:

             DZ WEST      DZ MIDDLE DZ EAST     
Latitude 54° 13.393' N 54° 13.224' N 54° 13.595' N
Longitude 05° 50.135' W 05° 48.544' W 05° 46.283' W

The Geographical Positions and details of the buoys to be established are as follows:





Latitude 54° 12.065' N (WGS 84) Latitude 54° 11.848' N (WGS 84)
Longitude 05° 45.023' W Longitude 05° 50.828' W
Character Fl(2) Y 10s Character Fl Y 5s
Range 3nm Range 3nm
Structure Yellow Buoy Structure Yellow Buoy
Topmark Yellow St. Andrew's Cross Topmark Yellow St. Andrew's Cross

Radio Navigation Warnings will be issued when these changes have taken place.
By Order, S. G. R. Ruttle, Chief Executive.