2008-18-Dun Laoghaire East and West - Alteration in characters and Synchronisation of Lights

2008-18-Dun Laoghaire East and West - Alteration in characters and Synchronisation of Lights

Notices to Mariners

Dun Laoghaire East and West - Alteration in characters and Synchronisation of Lights

18 - 2008

Issue Date: Friday 24 October 2008

Aid: Dun Laoghaire East and West

Area: East Coast of Ireland

The Commissioners of Irish Lights hereby give notice that on or about 20 January 2009, or as soon thereafter as circumstances permit, the light characters at both Dun Laoghaire East and Dun Laoghaire West Lighthouses will be altered as noted below. Furthermore these new lights will be synchronised with each other.
Position: (WGS84): 53° 18.151'N, 06° 07.626'W
Character: FL (2) R 10s (0.15+2.05+0.15+7.65=10s)
Range: 17 nautical miles 000° - 360°
Synchronisation: none
Position: (WGS84): 53° 18.151'N, 06° 07.626'W
Character: FL (2) R 8s (1.0+1.0+1.0+5.0=8s)
Range: 17 nautical miles 332° - 142°;
7 nautical miles 142° - 332°
Synchronisation: with Dun Laoghaire West (A5874)
Position: (WGS84): 53° 18.200'N, 06° 07.855'W
Character: FL (2) G 8s (1.0+1.0+1.0+5.0=8s)
Range: 7 nautical miles 000° - 360°
Synchronisation: with Dun Laoghaire East (A5872)
All other details remain unchanged.
Radio Navigational Warnings will be issued when the above changes take place.
By Order, S. G. R. Ruttle, Chief Executive.