2012-05 Repositing of East Codling Buoy

2012-05 Repositing of East Codling Buoy

Notices to Mariners

Codling Bank -Repositing of East Codling Buoy

05 - 2012

Issue Date: Friday 24 February 2012

Aid: East Codling Buoy

Area: Codling Bank

The Commissioners of Irish Lights hereby give notice that on or about 9 April 2012, the existing East Codling Buoy will be repositioned approximately 0.6 nautical miles to the East to align with a transit line from the Codling Buoy to the Kish Tower. This change was recommended in the 2010 Navigation Review.


Existing Position (WGS 84)

New Position (WGS 84)

Latitude       53° 08.517'N

Latitude      53°08.560'N

Longitude     05° 47.126'W

Longitude   05°46.130'W



Radio Navigation Warnings will be issued when the above change takes place.

By Order,Yvonne Shields Chief Executive