2006-06-Rockabill Lighthouse-Reduction in Range of Navigational Light

Notices to Mariners

Rockabill Lighthouse - Reduction in Range of Navigational Light

06 - 2006

Issue Date: Tuesday 23 May 2006

Aid: Rockabill Lighthouse

Area: East Coast of Ireland

The Commissioners of Irish Lights hereby give notice that on or about 11 August 2006, or as soon thereafter as circumstances permit, the light at Rockabill Lighthouse (A5904) will be replaced by a new solar powered sectored light. This will necessitate the provision of a temporary light for a period of approximately four days from about 7 August 2006.
The character, phasing, and ranges of the existing, temporary, and new lights are as follows:
Character: Fl WR 12s 0.2 + 11.8 = 12 s
Range: White: 22 nm Red: 18 nm
Sectors: W 178° - 329° (151°), R 329° - 178° (209°)
Height above MHWS: 45m
Lighting Time: Hours of Darkness and in reduced visibility
Character: Fl WR 12s 1.0 + 11.0 = 12 s
Range: White: 10 nm Red: 7 nm
Sectors: W 178° - 329° (151°), R 329° - 178° (209°)
Height above MHWS: 45m
Lighting Time: Hours of Darkness
Character: Fl WR 12s 0.2 + 11.8 = 12 s
Range: White: 17 nm Red: 13 nm
Sectors: W 178° - 329° (151°), R 329° - 178° (209°)
Height above MHWS: 45m
Lighting Time: Hours of Darkness
All other details, including position, height, colour, etc. remain unchanged.
Radio Navigation Warnings will be issued when the above changes take place.
By Order, S. G. R. Ruttle, Chief Executive.