2014-07 Inisheer Lighthouse, reduction in range of navigational light

Notices to Mariners

2014-07 Inisheer Lighthouse, reduction in range of navigational light

07 - 2014

Issue Date: Tuesday 11 March 2014

Aid: Inisheer Lighthouse

Area: West Coast

The Commissioners of Irish Lights hereby give notice that on or about 20 May 2014, or as soon thereafter as circumstances permit, a new LED light will be installed.  This will necessitate the provision of a temporary light of reduced range for a period of approximately one week from the evening of 13 May 2014.


Existing Light Temporary Light New Light
Position       53°02.79' N            53°02.79' N 53°02.79' N           
09°31.61' W   09°31.61' W 09°31.61' W


ISO WR 12s

          ISO WR 12s

           ISO WR 12s










W (beyond 7M)

W (beyond 7M)

W (beyond 7M)






       225o – 231o

       225o – 231o

    225o – 231o


W 231o – 245o

W 231o – 245o

W 231o – 245o






R 245o – 269o

R 245o – 269o

R 245o – 269o


W 269o – 115o

W 269o – 115o

W 269o – 115o






W20 Nautical Miles

W10 Nautical Miles

W18 Nautical Miles


R 16 Nautical Miles

R   8 Nautical Miles

R 11 Nautical Miles






White Tower

White Tower

White Tower


with black band

with black band

with black band







Height                             34m above water              34m above water               34m above water


All other details remain unchanged.


Radio Navigational Warnings will be issued when the above changes take place.

By Order, Yvonne Shields Chief Executive