


We have lots of publications to view - covering all aspects of our marine safety role, advisory and commercial services and strategy.

  • Climate Action Roadmap to 2030

    However, we face a considerable challenge in meeting the emissions target of a 51% reduction in greenhouse gases. All of our GHG emissions are energy related and our lighthouse vessel the Granuaile is responsible for 86% of all emissions. In order to meet the target, we will require a new more energy efficient vessel to be in service by 2030.

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  • Marine Navigation Plan 2040

    Navigating successfully to 2040 means continuing to provide their trusted services that keep mariners safe, against a backdrop of rapid change to technology, the maritime environment, and mariners themselves.

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  • 2040: Navigating the Future

    The General Lighthouse Authorities (GLA) are responsible for aids to navigation in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

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  • Annual Report 2022 - 2023

    Irish Lights Annual Report 2022 - 2023

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  • Annual Report 2021 - 2022

    Irish Lights Annual Report 2021 - 2022

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  • Annual Report 2020 - 2021

    Irish Lights Annual Report 2020 - 2021

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    IALA Maritime Buoyage System described in the Agreement has been superseded by the IALA Maritime Buoyage System Second Edition published June 2023 with additional aids to navigation marks.

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  • Annual Report 2019-20

    Irish Lights Annual Report 2019-20

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  • General Lighthouse Authority Aids to Navigation Review 2020-2025

    Irish Lights, with its General Lighthouse Authority partners, Trinity House and Northern Lighthouse Board, recently published a five-year review involving the coordinated assessment of all Aids to Navigation (AtoN) under their responsibility around the coast of Ireland and the UK. This review is undertaken to address the current and anticipated future requirements for the safe passage of domestic and international shipping, as well as attending to requirements of other mariners, such as aquaculture, fishing and marine and leisure users.

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  • Year in Review 2019

    Throughout the year there was a strong team focus on the organisational values of Professionalism, Quality, Trust, Respect, Innovation and Collaboration.

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  • Annual Report 2018-19

    Annual Report 2018-19

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  • Marine Navigation Plan

    Marine Navigation Plan 2016 to 2030

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  • Safe Seas - Connected Coasts Irish lights Strategy 2018 - 2023

    Safe Seas - Connected Coasts Irish lights Strategy 2018 - 2023

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  • Buoy Services

    A provisioning of buoy services available for Irish Lights

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  • Irish Lights Coastal Map 2019

    A poster map of the Commissioners of Irish Lights aids to navigation around the coast of Ireland. This is suitable for printing up to A2.

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  • 2030 Navigating The Future

    The GLA AtoN strategy to 2030 titled, ‘2030 – Navigating the Future’, was developed by IGC5 during 2015 and presented to the Joint Users Consultative Group on May 2016.

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  • Aids to Navigation Review 2015 - 2020

    Each AtoN has been studied in isolation, as well as in relation to the other AtoN in its vicinity which is referred to as the "mix" of AtoN. The review has been carried out based solely on the navigational requirements.

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  • 2015 & Beyond

    This strategy document charts our future course. The changes we are making will secure our future as a dynamic and innovative maritime organisation, delivering sustainable and efficient services for all of our stakeholders and customers.

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  • Granuaile Offshore Services

    ILV Granuaile is a versatile Class 1 DP vessel with a large working deck and proven capabilities in a wide range of operations.

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  • Buoy Services

    We provide and maintain over 150 navigation buoys around the coast of Ireland. Buoys are tailored to meet specific requirements and designs can be adapted to host and provide power to third-party equipment as required.

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  • Data Services

    Irish Lights data services can provide and/or facilitate the delivery of a range of services for Government, local authorities, mariners, industry, research institutions and the general public. Our all-island coastal network infrastructure consists of on/offshore sites and a range of platforms.

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  • 2025 And Beyond

    This document outlines how the General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) in Ireland and Britain will fulfil their shared mission of "delivering a reliable, efficient and cost effective aids to navigation service for the benefit and safety of all mariners".

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  • GLA Risk Reponse

    This Risk Response Criteria Document provides an up to date, balanced assessment of response requirements. For the first time modern traffic analysis tools have been used along with the principles of risk assessment to ensure proportionate response times to wrecks and new dangers.

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  • GLA Aids to Navigation (AtoN) Review 2010-2015

    The GLAs have completed their latest 5 yearly comprehensive review of AtoN requirements for the waters around the Ireland and Britain.

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  • Visual AtoN Plan

    This plan focuses on the visual aids needed for safe navigation in the changing marine environment and presents the General Lighthouse Authorities' plans for lighthouses, beacons, major floating aids, buoys, day-marks and other visual aids required for safe navigation. It reflects the level of service the GLAs will provide, taking advantage of technological and operational improvements forecast in AtoN service provision.

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  • Joint Navigation Requirements Policies

    The joint Navigation Requirements Policies (JNRP) of the three General Lighthouse Authorities on a wide variety of matters relating to navigation policy and aids to navigation were comprehensively revised (December 2007). Each policy will be updated as required (as web documents). If you'd like a hard copy, please email

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  • Annual Accounts 2016-17

    Annual Accounts 2017

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  • Aids to Navigation Review 2005

    The General Lighthouse Authorities of Ireland and the United Kingdom carry out a regular formal review of the Aids to Navigation provided to ensure they are cost effective and continue to meet the need of all mariners.

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  • 2020 The Vision

    The Marine Aids to Navigation Strategy (developed approx. every five years) informs our user community and aids the coastal navigation review and planning requirements into the future.

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  • GLA Radionavigation Plan

    The GLA's Radio Navigation Plan (GRNP) is a core part of their Marine Aids to Navigation Strategy the latest being "2020 The Vision"; see above). It focuses on radio navigation systems and their role in the overall Aid to Navigation service provision mix.

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