Stakeholders & Services

Our Stakeholders and Services

Our Stakeholders

The cornerstone of our strategies is the delivery of stakeholder value. Key stakeholders for core statutory services include:

 Customer Charter

Irish Lights is a maritime organisation delivering an essential safety service around the coast of Ireland, protecting the marine environment, and supporting the marine industry and coastal communities. In addition to our Statutory functions Irish Lights allied services include vessel hire, buoy maintenance, property rental and technology and data services to meet commercial market requirements.

In recent years we’ve transformed how we deliver our services, putting the emphasis on efficiency, cost-effectiveness and sustainability, while exploiting new technology and new opportunities wherever possible.


This Charter gives our customers a clear and unambiguous statement of the level of service they can expect from Irish Lights. It also provides a framework that allows us to measure and improve the quality of services provided and to report on this publicly.

The Customer Charter process allows us to engage with our customers, to design their services better and to become more flexible and responsive to the needs of service users. It will facilitate business planning, resource allocation and the provision and delivery of quality customer services.


All customers of Irish Lights. The Irish Lights Charter is available on the website


A Customer Charter is a short statement describing the level of service a customer can expect from Irish Lights.


Irish Lights is responsible for managing the Customer Charter on a continuous basis through:
ú Consultation with customers and stakeholders
ú Commitment to service standards
ú Evaluation of performance against these standards and
ú Reporting on results


To provide Aids to Navigation and Allied Services for the Safety of Persons and Infrastructure at Sea, to protect the Marine Environment and to support the Marine Industry and Coastal Communities.


This Customer Charter makes four specific promises and everyone at Irish Lights will work to keep them:

1. The mariners safety is always our number one priority
2. We will provide all customers with quality services at all times
3. We will listen to our customers and develop our services in response
4. We will be honest and open, keeping customers informed at all times


If the service you receive is not consistent with these standards or is otherwise unsatisfactory, please let us know. We will use your feedback to improve our services. We would also like to hear from you if we have exceeded your expectations. If you wish to make a complaint or a suggestion please contact us through one of the following methods:

By Phone: call (01) 271 5400 Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.30pm.

By Post: send a letter and/or relevant enquiry to:
Commissioners of Irish Lights, Customer Services, Harbour Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, A96 H500

By Email: to making sure to include your contact details.

We will acknowledge all correspondence within three working days of receiving your communication. We will endeavour to answer your correspondence comprehensively within ten working days.


1st September 2016


Commissioners of Irish Lights
Harbour Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, A96 H500
Reception: 01 271 5400

Our Services

  • Irish Lights Aids to Navigation

    Irish Lights Aids to Navigation

    We maintain over 300 marine aids to navigation around the coast of Ireland - lighthouses, buoys, beacons, racons, Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) transmitters.

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  • Vessel Services

    Vessel Services

    ILV Granuaile is a versatile Class 1 DP vessel with a skilled crew and excellent equipment. It provides a versatile platform for marine activities, and is available for hire!

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  • Buoy Services

    Buoy Services

    We offer a number of tailored buoyage systems, ranging from deep water to in-port lighting - including buoy hire, maintenance and consultancy.

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  • Tourism


    We have launched our new all-island tourism initiative (Great Lighthouses of Ireland) featuring twelve of our lighthouses in stunning locations round our coast.

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  • Data services

    Data services

    By equipping our aids to navigation with additional sensors, we can provide data and analysis and communications services.

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  • Equipment Hosting

    Equipment Hosting

    We have lots of properties and infrastructure around the coast of Ireland, both onshore and offshore, including many 'high sites' ideal for mounting specialist communications equipment.

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