Our Buoys & Beacons

Our Buoys & Beacons

Our Buoys & Beacons

A wide range of buoy services

Launchingthetwitterbuoy3We provide a wide range of buoy services, including:

  • Buoy hire and maintenance
  • Third party buoy maintenance
  • Buoy deployment
  • Buoy consultancy
  • Buoy retrieval, grit blasting, priming, full 360-rotation spray boot, welding and repair
  • AIS and sensor installation
  • Battery overhaul
  • Provision of daymarks

We ensure a high-quality maintenance and monitoring service for our buoy fleet. Buoys are prepared to International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) standards in our state-of-the-art buoy service facility in Dun Laoghaire.

The ILV Granuaile is used for our maintenance/replacement programmes.

We can provide our customers with the same quality of service.


Buoy hire and maintenance

We can provide local authorities, industry clients such as renewable energy providers, and education and research institutions with high-quality buoys on a hire programme.  A maintenance plan can also be provided if required.


Third party buoy maintenance

You can avail of our full maintenance services offshore or we can retrieve buoys and provide full reconditioning at our modern buoy-yard facility in Dun Laoghaire.

Buoy Yard Wreck


Buoy deployment

We have long experience and expertise in the safe deployment of buoys. The ILV Granuaile is a dynamic, purpose-built ship designed to deploy deep-water buoys and their associated moorings, for multiple purposes such as aids to navigation, MetOcean data capture and environmental monitoring.


Buoy consultancy

Our  staff provide specialist advice and recommend the most appropriate engineering and/or navigation solutions for buoyage applications. Irish Lights steel buoys can be tailored to meet specific requirements, and designs adapted to host and provide power to third-party equipment such as data sensors, etc.

For further information, please contact our Commercial Services team.

Email:       info@irishlights.ie
Phone:     +353 1 271 5400

Tags : AIS , buoys , data services , sites