
Related articles for tagged pages

22 items were found that matched the tag: "data services"

Page Results

  • Commercial Services
    Commercial ServicesThursday 2 April 2020

    We provide marine consultancy and advice, vessel and buoy hire, data collection technologies, venue hire and film location services.

  • Welcome to Irish Lights - Ensuring safety at sea
    Welcome to Irish Lights - Ensuring safety at seaTuesday 31 March 2020

    We are a maritime organisation delivering an essential safety service around the coast of Ireland, protecting the marine environment, and supporting t ...

  • Coastal Marine Infrastructure
    Coastal Marine InfrastructureThursday 4 October 2018

    With our all-island network infrastructure, we can provide or assist in a wide range of areas - from aquaculture, data services and renewable energy t ...

  • Equipment Hosting
    Equipment HostingTuesday 16 April 2024

    We have lots of properties and infrastructure around the coast of Ireland, both onshore and offshore, including many 'high sites' ideal for mounting s ...

  • Research Support
    Research SupportMonday 9 November 2015

    The Irish Lights research support programme includes collaboration with educational institutions whereby research and development is facilitated throu ...

  • Our Buoys & Beacons
    Our Buoys & BeaconsTuesday 18 September 2018


  • Smart Buoys and Sensors
    Smart Buoys and SensorsWednesday 7 June 2017

    Our Smart Buoys use leading edge technologies for monitoring and reporting of environment conditions.

  • Consultancy Services
    Consultancy ServicesThursday 2 January 2014

    The Commissioners of Irish Lights provides a consultation services to meet your needs in areas ranging from Aton provision, Aton design and related Da ...

  • Stakeholders & Services
    Stakeholders & ServicesThursday 23 February 2017

    Our main function is to provide an Aids to Navigation service, but we also offer vessel, buoy, marine consultancy, tourism, data, venue hire and even ...

  • Technology & Data Services
    Technology & Data ServicesThursday 2 April 2020

    We provide communications, e-Navigation and data services using our coastal network infrastructure. Clients include Government, local authorities, res ...

  • Data services
    Data servicesMonday 9 November 2015

    By equipping our aids to navigation with additional sensors, we can provide data and analysis and communications services.

  • MetOcean Charts
    MetOcean ChartsWednesday 29 May 2024

    Some of our buoys that are transmitting live environmental information - see the graphs, raw data and Twitter feed.

  • Environmental Monitoring
    Environmental MonitoringMonday 9 November 2015

    Our Data Services can provide research platforms and monitoring services to help identify the sources of marine pollutants and protect special areas o ...

Media Results

  1. Data Services